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Workshop: GraphQL on server-side and client-side. From scratch to prototype (part 1)
Пройдем путь от
git init
доdocker run
, создав полностью функциональное приложение с использованием Next.js на фронтенде и Prisma 2 на бэкенде. Общение реализуем при помощи GraphQLRuslan Baigunussov
Company: Yandex
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How to release open source library in 2020
Releasing a library is hard. But with a better process and tool, it can be smoother. Let's conquer the fear and continuously ship.
Eunjae Lee
Company: Algolia
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Wrapping existing REST API in GraphQL (1,000,000 rubles methodology)
GraphQL suits you but the whole backend has been written in REST API for ten years now and rewriting it is simply not realistic? No problem! The answer is simple: you can wrap the REST API in GraphQL. GraphQL will become a proxy for accessing your "old" API.
Pavel Chertorogov
Company: ps.kz
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All the subtleties of composition and routing when using Relay Modern
Alexander will talk about all components and routing when using Relay Modern.
Alexander Rudenko
Company: Acme Corp
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The evolution of text rendering on Canvas. About Flash, IE 11, designers and cuneiform
Andrey will tell you how many interesting and unusual things you can expect in the simple task like "we need to add text to the Canvas" and why this task dragged on for several years.
Andrey Churakov
Company: Miro
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Internals of the Angular CLI
In this talk we'll look under the hood of the Angular CLI. We'll start from scaffolding and go all the way to production build-time optimizations.
Minko Gechev
Company: Google
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Apache Kafka: What is it and how will it change the architecture of your application
In this review talk, Ivan will talk about the main ideas behind Kafka, how the application architecture is built around Kafka and where the backend on Node.js can be in this architecture.
Ivan Ponomarev
Company: KURS
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Panel discussion. How to make your first PR in the community event?
Galina Prokofeva
Company: Kitab Sawti
- Watch recordingWorkshop
Workshop: Postgres for frontenders (part 2)
Данный воркшоп даст базовое представление о Postgres и основах работы с ним, чтобы человек мог осознанно его использовать для решения простых задач на работе и в своих пет-проектах.
Ivan Panchenko
Company: Postgres Professional
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You can also be a hero
Speaker will share his journey from being a "community consumer" to participating in Stack Overflow, having his blog and an open source project with over 100k downloads.
Dario Kondratiuk
Company: Multitracks.com
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Workshop: Preparing 3D graphics in browser (part 1)
Во время этого воркшопа вы познакомитесь с трехмерной графикой и узнаете, как работать с ней в вебе.
Leonid Vinnichenko
Company: Align Technology
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Про цифровую трансформацию и переход на Agile
Dmitriy Valetin
Company: VTB
Yaroslava Suspitsina
Company: VTB
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The multi-year quest for the best web test in the west
We'll talk about "Playwright": a new microsoft open source library that reimagines cross-browser web automation.
Andrey Lushnikov
Company: Microsoft
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TypeScript reflection
Alexander will tell on an example for what and how it's possible to use reflection in TS and due to this simplifies the implementation.
Aleksandr Bogachev
Company: Arrival Ltd
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Wasm internals
During this session speaker will tell the JS programmers the audience how wasm code runs in different VM, how it interacts with JS and among themselves.
Dmitry Bezheckov
Company: Igalia
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I want digital signatures on JavaScript
Artem will talk about his experience in creating a yubikey-like device and developing cross-platform JavaScript libraries for working with electronic digital signatures.
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Exploring the hidden potential of sound data
How to use acoustic activity recognition on JS? Spoiler: you should use web audio API and Tensorflow.js. And Charlie Gerard will tell you all the details of this process.
Charlie Gerard
Company: Netlify
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Web: The good parts
This talk will explore some of the more exciting new APIs that browsers have to offer.
Ken Wheeler
Company: Citadel Securities
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A tale of CSS resets and everything you need to know about them
During this session we will go through the purpose of resets, types of resets, create our own in the end and demonstrate how this reset applied to the website or and app can literally save you!
Margarita Roi
Company: Nitor
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Ads get creative
Fandom developed a setup to build custom "apps" (think: micro-frontends) and deploy them on multiple platforms we run. We use them to conduct product research. Apps are delivered unconventionally: through the Google ad server.
Jacek Broński-Jankowski
Company: Fandom
- Watch recordingRound table
Panel discussion. What kind of animal is this community event, and why are there so many of them?
Galina Prokofeva
Company: Kitab Sawti
- Watch recordingRound table
Panel discussion. Many days in the life of a community event organizer
Galina Prokofeva
Company: Kitab Sawti
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Vue.js: Forms & validations in the composition age
In this talk we will explore how to approach one of the most common problems in web apps – forms and form validations.
Damian Dulisz
Company: Coursedog
- Watch recordingWorkshop
Workshop: Postgres for frontenders (part 1)
Данный воркшоп даст базовое представление о Postgres и основах работы с ним, чтобы человек мог осознанно его использовать для решения простых задач на работе и в своих пет-проектах.
Ivan Panchenko
Company: Postgres Professional
- Watch recordingWorkshop
Workshop: Preparing 3D graphics in browser (part 2)
Во время этого воркшопа вы познакомитесь с трехмерной графикой и узнаете, как работать с ней в вебе.
Leonid Vinnichenko
Company: Align Technology
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Chronotope: await Eloquent.Errors
In this unusual talk, Viktor will tell what the chronotope has in common in literature studies and programming and how we can apply the knowledge about building a story to the project work.
Viktor Vershansky
Company: DataArt
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Speed up the application in the mind — let everyone think that everything loads quickly
How to speed up the application? Is it possible to make your application accessible even before data has come from the server and there would seem to be nothing to show? Viktor will tell about such "deceitful accelerations" and simple techniques that can make content available earlier.
Victor Rusakovich
Company: GP Solutions
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Webpack in the wildlife
Sergey will share his personal experience of transferring frontend to webpack and tell necessary knowledge you need to have during such a large-scale project.
Sergey Melyukov
Company: Yandex
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Utility-first CSS: The highs and lows of styling web sites
The talk about rapid frontend development with utility-first CSS.
Phil Hawksworth
Company: Netlify
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The decisions we make. A personal view of architecture
This talk is the result of Alexey's research about architecture. How do you see the architecture of the product? How do you see that everything is doing correctly? How do you make architectural decisions? And how to explain that architecture is important? Is it really important? The answer is here.
Alexey Zolotykh
Company: EPAM
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Puppeteer can automate that!
This talk aims to change the mindset of Puppeteer being only a content scraping and UI testing library, by inspiring you on observing your repeated patterns on your workflows and help you automate them in a creative way!
Önder Ceylan
Company: LINKIT
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Stub backend
Maria will present and compare a lot of stub servers for REST API, GraphQL, SSE и WebSocket and tell how to fill created stubs with fake data.
Maria Shakshina
Company: Roox Solutions
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Tempus Fugit: A story of time
This is a talk about Temporal, an exciting and up-and-coming TC39 proposal for adding cool new functionality to the Date/Time handling operations in JavaScript.
Ujjwal Sharma
Company: Igalia
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Working with the DOM in JS frameworks
It's comfortable when smart algorithms eliminate the need to build and update the DOM manually. However, are these algorithms so smart and what is their complexity and principle of operation?
Nikita Mostovoy
Company: Facebook
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Migration from an isomorphic application to a static generator (GatsbyJS) using revolut.com as an example
Oleg's talk tells the story of why and how Revolut migrated from an isomorphic application to a static generator, how they solved the problems encountered on the way, what results they achieved.
Oleg Obidin
Company: Revolut
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Speak my language %app%
Sergey will talk about how to start the translation process in your application.
Sergey Fetiskin
Company: Akelius
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Ate HTML on a dog rendering
While the creators of popular frameworks are measured by the speed of rendering and mechanisms for checking data changes Alexander will go from the other side and try to reveal the topic of the render itself untied from the final representation.
Aleksandr Korotaev
Company: VKontakte
- Watch recordingWorkshop
Workshop: GraphQL on server-side and client-side. From scratch to prototype (part 2)
Мы пройдем путь от
git init
доdocker run
, создав прототип приложения с использованием Next.js на фронтенде, и Prisma 2 на бэкенде. Общение реализуем при помощи GraphQL.Ruslan Baigunussov
Company: Yandex
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Music 101 with JS Bach
Let's tear music apart, and use a little bit of physics, a little bit of math, and a whole lot of JavaScript to re-invent the building blocks of the greatest hits of the last 400 years!
Craig Spence
Company: Spotify
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Modern backend for frontend on Node.js
Speaker will talk about a number of architectural solutions that he and his team developed to move microservices from Express to Nest.
Andrey Melikhov
Company: Osome
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Сбербанк ID: Подключить за 60 секунд
Maksim Terekhov
Company: Sberbank
Ivan Glebov
Company: Sberbank
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Интервью. Проще, чем NGINX: Автоматический сетевой роутинг для ваших фронтендов
Tatyana Leonteva
Company: Sberbank
Dmitry Kuznetsov
Company: Sberbank
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Conditional modules & dynamic bundling, a Netflix original
We learn about how team at Netflix hacked Webpack, leveraged Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) to identify conditional dependencies in dependency graph and glued them all together to build a highly scalable, server-side JS and CSS bundler, that serves these unique user experiences to millions of Netflix customers across the globe.
Rajat Kumar
Company: Netflix Inc.
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Static Typing: Which language to choose?
Statically typed language? Sounds cool! Statically typed language and large JavaScript codebase? It sounds like a lot of work... Learn how the team evaluated their options in Hasura and made the decision on which language to choose!
Aleksandra Sikora
Company: Hasura
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What's new in Vue 3 Routing
Vue official router has been a pleasure to build apps with but as the community grows, so do the router needs. Let's talk about what has changed in the new Router and all the improvements we are bringing.
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Company: Freelance — Posva Solutions