How to Make a Job Interview Work for You?
Pavel Kondakov
Company: Tinkoff
Georgii Zhuravlev
Company: SIBUR Digital
Oleg Kondrashin
Company: SIBUR Digital
Evgenii Kucheriavyi
Company: Rentu
Oleg Korovin
Oleg manages the web development department at He has devoted more than 20 years to web development and has created more than 100 different websites. For example, he created the website for Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg. If you had to scroll through the site while waiting for a flight to find information, you have already interacted with Oleg's work.
He has worked in such companies as Art. Lebedev Studio, Yandex Money and Odnoklassniki. He wrote code in C, PHP, Java, Kotlin. He even had to work with Internet Explorer 6, which was a challenge for any developer. Oleg knows how to run React in Java, but does not recommend trying to do it without a preparatory coffee — there is even an article about it on Habr.
He has spoken at various events, conferences and workshops, sharing his experience and knowledge.
Company: Tinkoff
Company: SIBUR Digital
Company: SIBUR Digital
Company: Rentu