Andrey Sokolov
Bettor IO
Online games, blockchain, metaverses, high loads and real-time gameplay.
Does it sound like a big team as well as a zoo of languages and technologies are needed to develop such a product?
But in fact, all this can be done by a small team of 1-2 people. The main thing is to know which tools to choose, what to do and what not to do.
In this talk, the speaker will share how, using a JavaScript stack, he won a hackathon from the Cronos blockchain, what the judges expect, what they give points for, and more:
Server side – TypeScript, NestJS, Mongo, gRPC, Redis + Bull, K8s, WebSocket
Game client – Haxe, heaps.io
Interface – React
Web3 – Moralis, ethers.js, Strength, EVM
Bettor IO
White Frame