
Media Capture in WebRTC, or How to Finally Turn on the Camera on a Call

  • In Russian

WebRTC application development contains many complexities, some of which are dealing with media devices. At first, the needs are covered by open source libraries or SDKs from CPaaS providers. But if the product develops, at some point it becomes “cramped” within the limits of a ready-made solution. And it's time to write your own modules for media capture. 

In this talk we will dive into how to request media streams with getUserMedia, how to work with constraints and change them in the process. We'll see how to get the device list and catch changes in it, and how to correctly request camera and microphone permissions. 

The talk will be interesting for those who are working on WebRTC applications or SDKs and who want to understand Media Capture and Streams API. And also for those who are just curious how videoconferencing works from the point of view of browser API. 


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