
Winning the GameFi Hackathon with a Prize of $30K

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

Online games, blockchain, metaverses, high loads and real-time gameplay.

Does it sound like a big team as well as a zoo of languages and technologies are needed to develop such a product?

But in fact, all this can be done by a small team of 1-2 people. The main thing is to know which tools to choose, what to do and what not to do.

In this talk, the speaker will share how, using a JavaScript stack, he won a hackathon from the Cronos blockchain, what the judges expect, what they give points for, and more:

  • How to develop an MVP in a month and win a blockchain hackathon.
  • What to do with the MVP next to attract investors.
  • How you can write the game logic code once, test it and use it on the client and server at the same time, and what Haxe has to do with it.
  • How NestJS and microservices help to distribute the load.
  • How to develop a good gaming protocol for a fast online game.
  • Web3 masterclass. Development of smart contracts and integration on the client and server.
  • NFT generation process.


Server side – TypeScript, NestJS, Mongo, gRPC, Redis + Bull, K8s, WebSocket

Game client – Haxe,

Interface – React

Web3 – Moralis, ethers.js , Strength, EVM


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