
Web3 for JavaScript Developers Using Solana

  • In Russian

I will explain what challenges a JavaScript developer faces when working with the Solana blockchain and the web3.js library.

Main points:

  • Creating and using Solana crypto wallets.
  • Transactions. How to create, send, what they are.
  • SPL tokens. What they are, how to create transactions with them.
  • NFT. What it is, how to create and send.
  • How to make login / registration in any Solana crypto wallets web app, both from computers and mobile.
  • How you can use Web3 on the backend side.
  • Difficulties and challenges of working with Web3 and Solana.

I plan to prepare a live demo with a small web application on React, where everyone can log in with their Solana wallet and get SPL tokens and NFTs for free.


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