
Reliable JavaScript: chasing the myth

  • In Russian
Presentation pdf

January 2018. Setting: Illya's own little outsourcing company. A small mistake in the code costs the client $600k, a sum which neither Illya nor (now) his client has.

While this episode didn't (thankfully) have a disastrous impact on the project or on the company as a whole, it did play a key role in Illya reconsidering his views on how a developer team should write reliable code.

In this talk, Illya will try to review the results brought by almost a year of research and selection of technologies and architectural solutions, all to make his team's code more reliable, as he sees it:

  • bad and "wrong" code should look wrong;
  • it should be easier for juniors (and not for them only) to write right code than wrong;
  • all that could be automated should be automated but without additional trouble.

Basically Illya will introduce his own subjective choice in the vast world of JS technologies and tell which pains are behind his choice and how it works.

  • #casestudy
  • #typesystem

