Ujjwal Sharma
Компания: Igalia
Комментарий Программного комитета:
Модуль crypto и вообще криптография — достаточно неосвещенная, но находящаяся в стадии активной разработки часть Node.js. К счастью, Ujjwal Sharma сможет из первых рук рассказать прошлое, настоящее и будущее этого направления.
Cryptography is all around us, and that's a good thing. In a world that increasingly depends on data, leveraging cryptography is mandatory for any modern application that deals with private user data.
As a Node.js core team member, Ujjwal will focus on the current state of cryptography in Node.js regarding security, interoperability and performance: what has happened, what is about to happen? What are our long-term plans?
Node.js is made for the web and already well-equipped for the challenges of cryptography in today's applications! You will come away with a deeper understanding of some of these challenges and how to solve them using the Node.js crypto module (and how not to!).
Компания: Igalia