
Visualising third-party website trackers

  • На английском языке
Презентация pdf

Комментарий Программного комитета:

Спикер — участница программы Mozilla Outreachy, расскажет о проекте, который делала в рамках стажировки. На повестке дня: визуализация больших объемов данных с упором на перформанс.

In this talk, we shall look into the lessons learned from migrating a visual third-party website tracker tool using D3.js and ES6 from SVG to Canvas, synchronous to asynchronous data capture and storage using IndexedDB, with performance being the key factor. Canvas comes with its own challenges and we shall look into practical examples of how we tackled them. We shall also look into the concepts behind JavaScript physical simulations in order to understand the graph networks and hierarchies and the web-worker based approach for better graph performance. Lastly, let's see how all of this can be converted to an immersive virtual reality experience using A-Frame!

  • #canvas
  • #d3
  • #svg

