
Bringing mixed reality to the web

  • На английском языке
Презентация pdf

Комментарий Программного комитета:

Ломовейшее сочетание VR и AR, а также разбор WebXR API с крутейшими демками от человека, который пишет на эту тему PhD и работает с этими технологиями каждый день на практических задачах. Доклад обещает быть нереальным.

The main topic of this talk is to make a short introduction to guide the audience through the recent history of virtual and augmented reality on the web, to demonstrate the current possibilities and illustrate the future ones. The software stack that is involved in this process will be discussed, and technologies like WebGL, Three.js, A-Frame, and others will be presented.

The main part of the talk is to show how to import a 3D model to a WebGL scene using Three.js, how A-Frame is leveraging this to enable developers to create a simple 3D VR scenes and where is WebXR in all of this. GitHub start-up project is provided so the audience will be able to follow the lecturer as AR-enabled solution is developed.

Basic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JavaScript stack is desirable if you want to be an active participant. At the end of the talk, members of the audience will be able to run the built solution on their smartphone in VR or AR in their web browsers.

  • #ar
  • #browserapi
  • #vr

