Тип доклада: Доклад

The art of explicit and consistent user interfaces

  • Доклад на английском языке
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There are many reasons why developing user interface is hard. No matter which platform we target or the way we present our UI, the user interface is hard to develop due to different reasons. One of the hardest problems of UI development that has been shining more and more in recent years is the state management.

In this talk, Farzad will show how using current tooling isn't the complete solution and how our current approaches lack a whole modeling layer in between and what are the most critical mistakes we make in modeling our user interfaces these days. He will demonstrate how this modeling problem can be enhanced using state machines and statecharts in particular.

Комментарий программного комитета:

Всё больше и больше внимания начинают обращать не просто на управление состоянием, а на то, как делать это более системно. Farzad YousefZadeh же будет рассказывать про то, как для этого использовать небольшие стейт-машины на практическом примере с React-приложением.

  • #statemanagement

